Žaidimai ir Praktikos – Išradingumas ir Pakilumas

Simple ways to spark your creativity – Easy, straightforward techniques to jumpstart innovative thinking and surface new, brilliant ideas
The art of innovation | Guy Kawasaki– This is one of the best presentations I have ever seen. I love his humor, his control of the crowd, and the overarching message. I’ve watching this sooo many time’s in order to absorb some of Guy’s skills
8 Ways to fuel innovation
Where do ideas come from? – Where they come from, how they evolve, and how each of us can nurture them.
The surprising habits of original thinkers – geras idėjas generuoja tie, kas nepasiduoda formalizmui, jie gali pastoviai visur vėluot, ignoruot sistemines valdymo struktūras, ir pan.
Kickstart your creativity – Out of fresh ideas? These inspiring talks offer the kick-in-the-pants you need to unleash your creative spirit.
Powerful art activism – Art that doesn’t just grab your attention, but sends a message, makes a statement and resonates
How passion becomes purpose – Be inspired to find the work you love to do with these TED Talks full of passion and zeal.

Tina Seelig: The little risks you can take to increase your luck

Tina Seeling on Creativity


 Birth of a Theorem: A Mathematical Adventure – this book takes us through the formulation of the theorems in “On Landau damping” by Clément Mouhot and Cédric Villani. Villani is playful in real life, his research is playful, and the book is playful.

Idea Makers: Personal Perspectives on the Lives & Ideas of Some Notable People – many of the people involved are actually known either personally (Feynman, Mandelbrot, Minsky), or like Boole, Ramanujan, Godel, and Leibnitz, “connect” to the author…

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Taippat čia tinka Nušvitimo ir Užsidegimo Žaidimai ir Praktikos

Išradingumas + Pakilumas = Stebukladarystė

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