8(c) Сосредоточенность, Концентрация, Дисциплина

Способность удерживать внимание, неотвлекаться; концентрация мыслей и чувств; ось, вокруг которой крутится внуренний мир

Концентрируйтесь на поиске цели, а потом сосредоточтесь на её достижении. 

Концентрируйся на пути, а не на цели

Рассеянный человек и есть сосредоточенный. Но не на ожидаемом или желаемом, а на другом и своём.

Мысли — как малые дети. Без присмотра — или теряются, или шкодят.

Цитаты про концентрацию

Как медитировать

ВСПОМНИТЬ ВСЕ: 7 упражнений для развития памяти

Attention to what is most important; discipline of thoughts and feelings; keeping the inner peace

It is during our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light

Focus on the journey, not the destination. Joy is found not in finishing an activity but in doing it

The most successful people I know are not busy. They’re focused (Jeff Goins)

Focus quotes

How to Focus

Focusing in One Direction | Sadhguru

Stop Trying to Find a Focus in Life! | Sadhguru

How to Get Your Brain to Focus | Chris Bailey

«Getting Rich Is Easy» | START DOING THIS TODAY! Sadhguru

The power to concentrate is the most important thing. Living without this power would be like opening one’s eyes without seeing anything

Concentration quotes

One of the Most Motivational Videos You’ll Ever See | SELF DISCIPLINE

How to meditate

How to exercise when it’s the last thing you want to do

How to motivate yourself to change your behavior

How to declutter your mind

The secret to self control | Jonathan Bricker

5 Easy Ways to Build Superhuman Self-Discipline

4 simple exercises to strengthen your attention and reduce distractibility

Remember people’s names once and for all — by using this technique from memory champs

Art of Memory forum

Related to 1(b) Calmness, 1(c) Safety, 7(c) Persistence, 15(c) Awareness, 19(c) Attentiveness

May be incompatible with 13(g) Anxiety

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