13(g) Беспокойство, Тревожность, Волнение, Спешка, Суетливость, Нервозность, Непрогнозируемость, Неопределённость, Потерянность, Терзание, Мучение

Волнение, Спешка, Суетливость, Нервозность, Непрогнозируемость

Никакая физическая боль не сравнится с агонией нервов

Я слишком занят, чтобы иметь время для беспокойств

Если проблему решить можно — не стоит о ней беспокоиться,
Если проблему решить нельзя — беспокоиться бесполезно

Цитаты про Беспокойство

Притчи о Беспокойстве

Как преодолеть Беспокойство

13(g) Anxiety, Uneasiness, Hastiness, Nervousness, Hurry, Rush, Instability, Unreliability, Distraction, Unpredictability, Impulsiveness, Uncertainty, Dubiety, Indecisiveness, Being Lost, Torment, Suffer

Our anxiety does not come from thinking about the future, but from wanting to control it

You don’t have to control your thoughts. You just have to stop letting them control you

Nothing diminishes anxiety faster than action

Anxiety quotes

Anxiety disorder

Jordan Peterson: How To Fight Social Anxiety AND WIN!

Jordan Peterson — Want to be HYPEREFFICIENT? Do THESE Things

This could be why you are depressed and anxious

For Depression and Anxiety, Running Is a Unique Therapy

Wim Hof Teaches Mikhaila and Jordan Peterson His Breathing Method

Hasty climbers have sudden falls

Act quickly, think slowly

We’re in a race against time, until we run out of money

Hastiness quotes

Impulsiveness is the enemy of deep thinking

Not every affection which seems good is to be immediately followed. Neither is every opposite affection to be immediately avoided

Impulsiveness quotes

May be related to 1(g) Criticism, 1(h) Judging, 2(g) Dogmatism, 2(h) Fright, 3(g) Strangeness,3(h) Confuse, 6(g) Volubility, 6(h) Idle gossip, 8(g) Hesitation, 8(h) Hopelessness, 14(g) Being Stuck, 14(h) Annoyance, 17(f) Apprehension, 17(g) Suspicion, 17(h) Annoyance,  19(f) Self Abasement, 19(g) Insincerity, 19(h) Servility, 20(g) Self Indulgence, 20(h) Weakness, 22(g) Shame, 24(g) Depression

Incompatible with 1(a) Insight, 1(b) Calmness, 1(c) Safety, 2(a) Knowing, 2(b) Understanding, 2(c) Enlightenment, 3(c) Sincerity, 24(a) Profundity, 24(b) Wisdom, 24(c) Thoughtfulness

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