10(e) Поучение, Наставление, Проповедование, Озабоченность, Обеспокоенность

Грамм собственного опыта — ценнее тонны наставлений

Упрекай друга наедине, хвали — публично

Цитаты про наставления

Притчи о поучениях

English: Preaching, Concern, Worry, Preoccupation

An ounce of practice is worth more than tons of preaching

A speaker should approach his preparation not by what he wants to say, but by what he wants to learn

Preaching quotes

Related to 1(e) Estimation, 2(f) Categorical thinking, 3(e) Straightforwardness, 4(e) Protection, 7(e) Stubbornness, 17(e) Preservation

May be related to 9(e) Praising, 11(e) Attachment, 13(e) Overconfidence, 21(e) Cockiness

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