6(a) Inspiration, Thriving

Ability to spread wings; fly, like birds; thrive, like paradise garden …

My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive; and to do so with some passion, some compassion, some humor, and some style

There are two prerequisites to growing wings: the first is to feel encircled and the second is to believe that you can break the circle

Inspirational quotes

Thrive quotes

What is inspiration

My quest to defy gravity and fly

Where do ideas come from?

The 5-Step Guide to Develop The Best Inspirational Routine

Frank The Singer: 74-Year-Old Channels Frank Sinatra – America’s Got Talent 2014

Qween – Spread your wings

Lynyrd Skynyrd – Free bird

May be related to 12(b) Fulfillment, 14(b) Passion, 15(b) Passion, 18(a) Brilliance, 18(b) Inventiveness, 18(c) Creativity, 20(a) Naturalness, 20(b) Freeness

Incompatible with most red cells and the following grey cells: 1-2(e,f), 15-19(e,f), 22-24(e,f)

Есть чувства, которые поднимают нас от земли

А человек… он ведь крылат, когда черпает вдохновенье…

Цитаты про окрылённость


Притчи о вдохновении

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