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AI Art from Theses

The following images were generated by AI using theses from the Dialectical App and Board Game:

Starting theses: “heart – mind, leave – go, passion – duty”. On the right is the  Hotpot‘s image. Chatgpt completed these theses as follows: “Heart-mind” represents the balance between emotions and reason, it means making decisions based on both our feelings and our logical thinking. “Leave-go” represents the balance between letting go of the past and moving forward, it means accepting what has happened and being open to new experiences and opportunities. “Passion-duty” represents the balance between pursuing our passions and fulfilling our responsibilities, it means following our dreams while also being accountable for our actions and meeting our obligations. Further, Chatgpt recommended three videoclips: “The power of introverts” by Susan Cain, “The puzzle of motivation” by Dan Pink, “The importance of being present” by Andy Puddicombe

Starting theses: “Strong, humble, playful, relaxed”. On the left is image by Hotpot. Here is Chatgpt completion of these theses: “I am strong both physically and mentally, I am humble and I do not let my accomplishments get to my head, I am playful and I believe in the power of having fun and enjoying life, I am relaxed and I know how to handle stress and difficult situations with ease.” Recommended videoclips: “Why play is more important than you think” by Stuart Brown, “The importance of being small” by David Epstein. The mutual consistency of the traits “strong, humble, playful, relaxed” is 9 (from 1 to 10). See also chatgpt’s story and DALL-E images: 1, 2, 3, 4

Starting theses: “Motivated, woke up, relaxed, consistent, belong to community, no self-reproach, accomplish the mission, conform your beliefs, clear goals, happy family, time will test you, finish what you started”. The mutual consistency by chatgpt is 8. See suggested synthesis of traits. On the right is image by Hotpot. Recommended videoclips by chatgpt: “The power of perseverance” by J.K. Rowling, “The Surprising Science of Happiness” by Dan Gilbert

Starting theses: “Style, the soul is revealed only through mystery and madness, the most valuable thing that we have is the desire to improve, to fulfill the mission, stability, what does not kill us, that makes us stronger, temper the will and character, deepen understanding”. The mutual consistency is 7. On the left is image generated by Hotpot. See also openai’s images: 1, 2, 3, 4. Recommended videoclip by chatgpt: “Mad World” by Gary Jules and Michael Andrews, “The Man” by Taylor Swift.

Starting theses: “Better a cruel truth than a pleasant delusion, sometimes you need to fall to understand where you stand, what does not kill us, that makes us stronger, Courage, Friends ask questions, enemies question, The most valuable thing we have is the desire to improve, New skills and habits, Balanced, motivated. What is not tested is not reliable, subtle, gentle. Inventive, not afraid of failure”. The mutual consistency is 8. On the right is image by Hotpot (manual selection, 3D style). Recommended videoclip by chatgpt: “Not Afraid Anymore” by Halsey. See also openai’s images: 1, 2, 3, 4.

Starting theses: “Inspiration, don’t look for the easy way, do what you really need to do, gain the right skills and wisdom, share your happiness”. The mutual consistency is 9. On the left is image by Hotpot. See also openai’s abstractions. Recommended videoclip by chatgpt: “Unstoppable” by Sia

Starting theses: “Living naturally, loving each other, creating own heaven, sharing happiness”. On the right is image by hotpot. Chatgtp estimated overall consistency 8. It refused o suggest videoclips, but suggested several books and movies:  “The Hidden Life of Trees” by Peter Wohlleben, “The Nature Principle” by Richard Louv, “The Pursuit of Happyness” starring Will Smith, “The Help” about the 1960s in Mississippi, “The Power of Now” by Eckhart Tolle, “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People” by Stephen Covey, “Pay It Forward” starring Kevin Spacey and Helen Hunt, “The Intouchables” about a wealthy hiring his caretaker.

Starting theses: “dialectical thinking – linear thinking”. ChatGpt completion: “are two contrasting approaches to problem-solving and decision making <…>”.  Overall consistency  7 out of 10. Suggested videoclip: TED Talk by Navi Radjou, “Creative Problem Solving in the Face of Extreme Limits.”

Starting theses: “Critical thinking, awareness, focus, control, fast, efficient, relaxed, spontaneous, natural” (all pros of dialectical and linear thinking). Chatgpt completion: “are all important qualities for effective decision making.” Overall consistency  9 out of 10. Suggested videoclip – a scene from the movie “The Matrix” (1999). In the scene, the main character, Neo, is faced with a high-stakes situation where his life is on the line. He is able to stay focused and in control, quickly assessing the situation and making split-second decisions.

Starting theses: “vaccines protect us, quick aid, patience, harden organism, slow build up yields perpetual results, the real immunity comes from your character and will, any disease is conversation with God, no side effects, independent of doctors, active lifestyle”.  The mutual consistency is 2. On the right is image by Hotpot.

Starting theses (similar to previous): “not afraid, patience, harden organism, slow build up yields perpetual results, the real immunity comes from your character and will, any disease is conversation with God, no side effects, independent of doctors, active lifestyle”. Chatgpt refuses to estimate the mutual consistency. After small negotiation it recommended TED talk by Eric Thomas “How to be unstoppable.”

Starting theses: “low risk of infection, healthy lifestyle, steady increase of the natural immunity, low stress”. Suggested videoclip – a scene from the documentary “The True Cost” (2015). In the scene, the filmmaker interviews a farmer who has adopted a healthy and sustainable lifestyle, growing their own food and living in harmony with nature.

Possible GPT prompts: “complete the following theses”, “suggest success story based on the following theses”, “suggest mantra and videoclips for the person who follows the following theses”, “estimate character traits and emotional states of the person who lives by the following theses”, …

Story Generator Board Game

Dialectical App