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My Adventures in Dialectic

By education I am chemist, PhD in chemical enzymology, published papers in QSAR (see my linkedin profile)

For a long time dialectic meant to me just a duality of opinions. E.g., happy people see things differently from unhappy. Then it started looking like a science of achieving the “Higher Truth”, through uniting the opposing views. But now I look at it as a fundamental law, arising directly from algebraic isomorphism that governs all physical, psychological, and moral laws alike

Anastasia (The Ringing Cedars, Book 1): Vladimir Megre, Leonid Sharashkin, John Woodsworth: 9780976333302: Books

The turning point came from books called the “Ringing Cedars“. The 4th book described how God created the Universe through balancing a multitude of oppositions. It started with Doubt and Confidence. This stroke me as a huge discovery: both opposites are destructive in separation, but creative in combination! The Doubt without the Confidence prevents us from acting, but the Confidence without the Doubt destroys what was created! Only in combination they bring what we desire …

So the oppositions unite not just for reaching the “golden mean consensus”, but for creating a qualitatively new axis of existence, comparable to creating something out of nothing! It is like two orthogonal force-fields (electric and magnetic) yield the third dimension (a moving light photon) that makes the two parental forces inseparable from higher consciousness.

Motivation and emotion/Book/2014/Plutchik's wheel of emotions - Wikiversity

The immediate question was, what are the other pairs of opposites that combine in such a way? The answer came from the Plutchik’s Wheel, that provides the four pairs of oppositions: Joy – Sadness, Trust – Disgust, Fear – Anger, Surprise – Anticipation. The only thing was that this wheel had to be inverted inside out, and some emotions had to be changed, to enable their unification in the center of the wheel –  see the draft article submitted to the Journal of Philosophy of Emotions.

This confirmed the idea that the physical Universe is a living, thinking creature, composed of the same emotions that we all experience. Based on these findings, I wrote a book in russian, arguing that everything is alive and consists of feelings and emotions, even the very space and time! Our  sensory impulses, “vibes” and feelings are just different levels of emotions’ organization. Emotions are the only things that do not change in time. E.g. today the Love and Hate are the same as they were billions of years ago, and will be the same in future. On the other hand, each emotion is always slightly different, like any other living creature. Subtle emotions make time move fast and space look limitless and multidimensional. But heavy and rude emotions make time go slow and space narrow down to just one dimension.

Since emotions compose everything we know, so our attitude towards any phenomena  influences its outcome(s). This blows away the fundamental principle of “scientific method”, in which any experiment’s result should be independent of our prejudices.  Since prejudices can influence emotions, so they can influence the results of any experiment!

What becomes the most important is our emotional elasticity, a variance of emotional intelligence or “transformative (st)ability” typical to wizards. Achieving this starts from debunking the “plain materialistic” views: “It ain’t what you don’t know that gets you into trouble. It’s what you know for sure that just ain’t so. “ ~ Mark Twain

So how to spread this message on a broader scale?

Mokslininkas Alanas PETRAUSKAS diskusijoje apie miškus – “mokslas aptarnauja primityvesnę sąmonę?” – Gyvas miškas

First, attempt thinking and living more naturally, yet maintaining inner discipline.  I am on this way for more than 10 years, and still feel like making just the very first steps:  Alanas Petrauskas

Second, publish scientific articles. Beyond the abovementioned draft article on emotions, I started another one on  Dialectic, Algebra, Panpsychism. It felt that it is too “simplistic”, so re-wrote through the prism of relativity vs. dialectic. Perhaps even better would be to stick to the “linear vs.  circular causation and cognition”, as discussed by I. Harwey (2019), so I started re-writing it again…

Clearly the modern science has missed the point on how to combine the linear and circular cognitions, thus neglecting the relationships among the physical laws, algebra and morality. Thus, the force-field and induction laws can be related to complex numbers and quaternions, respectively, that can be further connected to dialectic manipulations and homeostatic mechanisms. But there is no physical law that could be related to octonions and further to the birth of a new life! So there is no such thing as a “holiness” in science …

Third, develop educational tools. These Scientific Tablecloths represent combinatorics, algebra, trigonometry, and physics based on “dialectic panpschism”. They can be used as either regular kitchen tablecloths or board games that teach kids to think differently

Another type of tool is the Atlas of Feelings that can also  be used as a board game. Its online version can be converted to a “wisdom database” that in some cases helps increasing the emotional elasticity.

Fourth, the above mentioned “wisdom base” can be extended to the Global Wisdom Network, a multistep project toward the “universal problem solving system”. It’s utility  may be illustrated by the following draft article: Generating Moral Laws of Practical Importance. If all concepts are united into a single knowledge graph with proper semantic, sentimental, and dialectic indices, then we can navigate the user towards the practical solutions using both linear and circular causalities.